Excellent article, and I'm delighted to find Python People on Substack (which I joined recently). I was beginning to think it was mostly writers and philosophers. In my experience, it's not uncommon to compare integers and floats in a language like Python, but they're usually reasonable values nowhere near edge cases. I do try to be aware of numeric type, though -- all sorts of nasty things happen when you don't. (Python annotations are helpful in this regard.)

I have to say, it's a bit eerie seeing:

>>> 9007199254740992. == 9007199254740993.


Ouch! Of course:

>>> float(9007199254740993) == 9007199254740993.


Which is why I tend to cast possible integer values to floats.

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Thanks Wyrd!

Yes, i think seasoned programmers are weary of these pitfalls of floating points and prefer to do explicit casts. But this was interesting to see how python behaves differently than other languages.

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Python's floating-point comparison intricacies are fascinating! The IEEE-754 standard's limitations and Python's infinite precision integers create unexpected results, highlighting the complexities of floating-point arithmetic in different programming languages. Your deep dive into CPython's comparison algorithm sheds light on these nuances effectively.

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Thank you for the explanation. When does it make sense to check whether an integer and a floating point number are equal? I can’t remember the last time I’ve done that.

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I think the OP in the tweet had some test cases that run fine in a statically typed language. He is a pytorch dev so most probably he had some tests in C++. But the same thing failed for him in python.

In general, I never do a direct comparison with floats, I make sure I'm either doing explicit conversion of the int to float or I use a library which will handle all the issues.

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